How often do I re-apply Silver Honey®? Reapply Silver Honey® to the wound area daily until it is healed, be sure to apply the product beyond the wound edges.
Does Silver Honey® work on fungal infections?Yes – Silver Honey® has been proven effective on fungi that causes Ringworm (Trichophyton equinum) and on the fungus that contributes to scratches (Sporotrichum schenki).
Does Silver Honey® work on bacterial infections? Yes – Silver Honey® has been proven effective on the bacteria that causes Rain Rot (Dermatophilus congolesis and Microsporun equinum), and on bacteria known for causing wound inflammation (Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
How does Silver Honey® work? The use of silver and honey for prophylaxis and treatment of wound and wound infections dates back centuries. Silver has antibacterial effects such as the induction of the formation of hydroxyl radicals leading to cellular DNA damage and bacterial apoptosis (death). Furthermore, silver ions damage the bacterial cell wall. Silver also exerts anti-inflammatory effects. It has been proposed that the mechanisms for healing promotion are via inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines. Honey has an osmotic effect which dehydrates bacteria. Honey does not cause tissue damage and it appears to promote healing, hence potentially decreasing the duration of wound healing.* (*Dr. Lucas Pantaleon, 2019)
Is Silver Honey® supposed to be grey? Because it combines Manuka Honey with MicroSilver BG®, Silver Honey® has a smooth, creamy texture that is not sticky. We recommend that you pull your pet’s hair aside and apply the ointment directly to their skin.
How long does this take to dry?In order to keep the wound moisturized and promote healing, our Silver Honey® liquid spray gel never dries completely. However, it will quickly "surface dry" so that it won't be wet, dripping, or running. Exact drying times depend on the wound, the animal (shaved, short hair, long hair, skin dryness, etc.) and environmental conditions. If you're looking for another option, you can use the Silver Honey® ointment, but only if you're able to touch the wound and apply a generous amount.
Does Silver Honey® prevent hypergranulation (proud flesh)?Granulation tissue is part of the natural wound healing process. Silver Honey helps provide a healthy environment for optimum healing of wounds which, along with proper wound management, can help reduce the risk for hypergranulation or proud flesh formation.
What is the difference between MicroSilver BG and Colloidal Silver?Colloidal silver, also called “silver water,” has a mean particle size of around 50 nanometers. At 10 microns, the mean size of MicroSilver BG® particles is larger.
Due to this difference in size, MicroSilver BG® remains on the surface of the skin to provide continuous antibacterial support, while colloidal silver does not.